As it is, even after 3 terms in office, there is not much to show by the man with a million ideas. It seems a million Kina has now replaced the million ideas.
Many of the showpiece infrastructure projects built at exorbitant costs by the national government were for the hosting of national and international events. Sadly, many people smart enough to be on Facebook are not smart enough to see this very obvious fact.
The general dissatisfaction with Parkop's leadership has seen the emergence of very real challengers in the likes of Rob Agen and Noel Anjo K Ngo. Both men present their own unique appeal to voters and their popularity has drawn out the Parkop team in numbers to try and smear both men on Facebook.
Unfortunately, there is no dirt on both men so Parkop's supporters in the likes of his son Omar Parkop have to resort to low and desperate smear tactics by dragging in Rob's mum into their smear campaign against him. Rob is not the sitting MP or Governor.
I am happy to state that I support both these candidates based on their track records and their policies and party affiliations. Three terms is long enough to turn a simple million idea man into a million kina man so it's now time for change.
With the right leadership and the right economic climate, anyone can deliver in NCD. Development and service delivery is not rocket science. Anyone with the right attitude surrounded by the right team of people can take NCD and PNG to the next level.
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Hon. Powes Parkop.....NCD Governor...confident of retaining his seat. |
Powes Parkop is the Governor for NCD for two terms and he's vying for third term in this election. All the infrastructure developments in Port Moresby were in fact funded by National Government but it is done upon the plan of NCD physical planning Board. Governor Powes Parkop as the chairman of the board, things have not happening out of blue. For instance, the kumul flyover was tended in post courier in 2010 for bidders to bid. It was done way before Peter O'Neill became Prime minister. At the moment Governor is not feeling threatened to any candidates as he knows very well that he is retaining his seat.