Wednesday, 3 August 2016

The 3rd arm of the government (LLG) gets outstanding payments totaling K7-million nationwide

THE third tire of the Government, Local Level Government (LLG) Ward Councillors throughout the country have finally received their delayed monthly allowances for the first quarter of this year. According to sources within the government, the funds were paid into their individual bank accounts yesterday morning.

Acting Secretary for the Department of Provincial and Local Level Government Dickson Ginua thanked the LLG leaders particularly the Councillors for their patience and understanding during the hard times when the nation was faced with cash flow problems caused by unforeseen external factors and stated that a total of K7-millon had been paid out, as reported by YUMI FM News.

Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister responsible for Provincial and Local Level Government Leo Dion. Image: Supplied/2016.
“Despite non-payment of your lawful allowances you have maintained the confidence and trust of the people by continuing to provide the leadership required daily at the respective” he added.
“Communities, and having said that it is my pleasure to announce on behalf of the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister responsible for Provincial and Local Level Government Leo Dion that the payment of long delayed monthly allowances of Ward Members or Councillors have been paid in fact as I am speaking I invite all of you to go check your accounts.” said Mr Ginua.

Two lots of payments were made yesterday morning at the rate of K400 per month allowances. Bank South Pacific (BSP) has confirmed the funds have been credited into personal accounts:
1. K4, 800 each paid for those councilors that missed out last year 2015 for the period of January to December 2015, and
2. K1,200 each paid for the period of January to March 2016 (First Quarter 2016)

Mr. Ginua added that as more funding is received in the near future all other outstanding will be settled including Deputy presidents and all appointed Women representatives will be paid by the respective LLGs on the same rate. “Unlike past successive Governments the O’Neill/Dion Government has listened to the cries of the people and given recognition to the LLG’s and Village Court officials.

All Councillors are asked to check their individual bank accounts to confirm receipt of payments and for those that do not receive payments to submit details to the Department of Provincial and Local Level Government are to contact the Acting Director LLG Division, Mr Larson Thomas on phone: 3011043.

The structure of 3-arms of PNG Government. Image: Supplied. 
Source: Rocky Issou/YUMI FM News/August 2016.

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