Monday, 5 June 2017

PNC is rejected nationwide because they have created two sets of Laws to rule and govern the country.

PNG seems to have two laws, one for the grassroots people, which is always fast and quick where law breakers are jailed quickly.
The other law is for the rich and the political leaders, which is slow and time consuming because of investigations and vetting processes which most times deny justice.

Many of our political leaders and the rich citizens get away with minimum or no penalties. It therefore seems the laws are made to discriminate against the small people while the well-to-do people often escape punishment. Can some of our political leaders facing allegations of corruption be dealt with quickly so we can see the end result that these leaders are not above the law. It is taking too long for investigations into their alleged corrupt practices.

It is a confirmation of the public view that there are two sets of laws in Papua New Guinea. One set of laws is for the ordinary Papua New Guineans who get bashed up daily by police for all kinds of crime and thrown into police cells with bruised bodies and then taken to court and finally to jail.

The other set of laws is for the powerful who will fight their way through the courts at any cost to prove their innocence. 

In October 2007, the National Alliance Party man and former Defence Minister Bob Dadae had confirmed this when the inquiry into Julian Moti Affair was improperly set up and that it contravened the Defence Act should be challenged before the Supreme Court.

Everything Dadae said about the report ought to be challenged before the Supreme Court.

The Minister’s challenge of the validity of the inquiry and the preparation of its report questions the integrity of Justice Salika who chaired the inquiry and other members of the inquiry.
The then Minister has questioned the professional standing of a Judge, members of the inquiry board and all those including lawyers who assisted the inquiry in the investigations, hearing and preparation of the final report.

Dadae and the Defence Council were trying to pull wool over the eyes of the people of Papua New Guinea. This resulted to prevent the possible prosecution of many high profile people both inside politics, the public service and the Defence Force.

How could the Minister talk of taking legal action against the soldiers implicated in the report when he has rejected the same report? What about the so-called "Big Fish?"

Although the Australian courts have now cleared Julian Moti of the allegations he was facing then, it was a case to test PNG systems and laws and what notably went wrong here is when politicians and government ministers in power using those power to bend the law. 

Recently Prime Minister Peter O'Neill with the aid of Police Commissioner Gari Baki had shown that there are two sets of laws in the country. Baki when ahead and set up a vetting committee when Police were suppose to investigate Peter O'Neill for alleged official corruption in the Paraka Saga. 

The same vetting committee is now preventing the questioning of Deputy Prime Minister Leo Dion over the incest allegation with two of his daughters in law.  

Police will be so quick to shoot and kill criminals on the street but not the politicians who are stealing millions of kina. 

People are now responding and it's happening all over the country - you can see people have grown tired of politicians who are safely secured by their own laws and ordinary citizens get immediate arrest and face the law. They are rejecting PNC outrightly and literally burning down banners and posters just because the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister have been prevented by a vetting committee which the ordinary citizens are unfortunate to have access to.

In most cases, many ordinary citizens face police brutality and forced are forced to do illegal activities like consuming condom and bushing up professional people like doctors and university lecturers who sustain permanent injuries. 

The society is creating two sets of laws so the ordinary citizens are reacting to the cases set by politicians that they can easily work off if they have done something wrong because they are ministers by resorting violence and outright rejection.

This is no true justice in the society. The country is facing legal issues and it needs urgent repair of the way we are setting up two sets of laws. If we cannot correct this, expect the worse reaction from people in the near future.

PNG police are serving the interest of individual politicians and not the safety of the general public. The more they do that, the more they attract violence and confrontation.

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